The Farley Group

5 Fitness Apps You Need To Try

5 Fitness Apps You Need To Try


This one’s for all the fitness buffs that regularly make use of Farley air domes for indoor sports!

Doing the same fitness routine repeatedly can get boring and tedious. Whether your goal is to lose weight, be more athletic or live a healthier lifestyle, being unmotivated makes it much harder for you to stay on track. Luckily, there’s an app for that. Well, at least five. Available for Apple iOS and Android smartphones, these free apps not only allow you to measure your success, but also motivate you to try new ways of working out.


Have you ever wanted to track your runs? Runkeeper can track your runs, compare the results and recommend new running routes to try. Choosing through a selection of prescribed workouts, users can create goals and schedule them weekly. As an added bonus, the app also comes with audio cues to keep you updated on your running pace, distance and time.

The user-friendly interface makes it easy to compare your running progress with their community of more than 45 million people who also use the app. You’ll never run out of beats because the app also connects with music streaming service Spotify.


We live in a time where measuring and comparing our fitness goals is at an all-time high. This is why more than three million people are using Jefit. This fitness app puts you in charge of personalizing your own workout by choosing from more than 1300 exercises to string a few of them together. Each exercise comes with images, animations and descriptions so you’ll never have to guess if you’re doing it right.

Connect with other Jefit members to gain feedback, tips, support on your before and after pictures.

Charity Miles

This app is the philanthropist of the fitness community. Whether you’re walking your dog, grabbing a coffee, biking, or shoveling snow, Charity Miles tracks your movements and turns them into support for charities. Make your miles matter by selecting from one of their 30 charities from around the world to sponsor.

Nike Training Club

The Nike Training Club app turns your smartphone into a personal trainer. Depending on what your goals are, you can choose from options such as getting strong, lean, toned or focused. Then pick from more than 100 different workouts designed by Nike trainers and you’ll get step-by-step images and audio cues to help you keep a good form. The app also comes with drill tips, fitness challenges and nutritional advice. Just remember to press pause when you need to breathe.

Daily Yoga

Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or someone who can barely touch their toes, Daily Yoga is the yoga app for you. Designed by professional yoga instructors, this app provides you with yoga poses for different results. With more than 400 different poses to try, select what you want to focus on, whether it’s for weight loss, flexibility, de-stress, or even, glowing skin. The app also plays soothing melodies to help relax you while it uses your tracked data to calculate how many calories you’ve burned.

Looking to get in shape for your upcoming season in a multisport dome? Keep in shape with one (or more) of these useful apps!

The Farley Group Blog at 12:40 PM
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