The Farley Group

Maximize Revenue During Fall and Winter Months with a Dome


We've all been there — the nail-biting worry of whether an early frost or a sudden downpour will throw the day's schedule into chaos.   


For outdoor sports clubs and businesses, the fall and winter seasons usually means cancelled events, disappointed customers, and yes, a dip in revenue that lasts well into spring.   


But it doesn’t have to.  


Stay with us as we explore the various ways that a dome helps you turn fall and winter from a stressful slump into one of the best seasons of the year.  


Unlock the potential of your sports facility. Contact The Farley Group to understand the opportunities a dome offers.


But First… What Exactly is an Air-Supported Dome?


When you think of indoor sports, you might imagine gymnasiums built from brick and mortar or steel and concrete. But in the world of sports facility solutions, there's something much more futuristic: the air-supported dome. 



Domes are a marvel of modern engineering. Essentially, a dome is a large "bubble" made of durable, weather-resistant fabrics. This fabric is held up, not by beams or columns, but by a steady stream of air pressure. The result? A vast, open space free from annoying columns or beams, perfect for soccer, tennis, golf, and virtually any other sport you can imagine.  


More importantly, air-supported domes are a fortress against bad weather. Whether it's rain, high winds or snow, sports that would normally have to be cancelled can continue smoothly under the protection of a dome.   


Plus, their unique construction and flexibility makes domes an incredibly cost-efficient solution. Think of how much steel, brick, and concrete it takes to build an indoor soccer field or driving range — a dome offers the same benefits at a fraction of the cost. 


How to Maximize Revenue During Fall and Winter Months with a Dome


Fall and winter, traditionally seen as downtime for outdoor sports facilities, can become your peak seasons with the right approach. An air-supported sports dome not only shields your space from the whims of weather but offers numerous avenues to scale up, diversify, and unlock untapped revenue streams.   


Let's dive into the specifics. 


1. Keep Booking Into the Fall and Winter 


We've all felt the sting of the off-season. Watching a perfectly good field or court sit underutilized, waiting for the next season to roll around… it feels like a missed opportunity.  


With a dome, the action doesn't have to stop. Our sports domes feature state-of-the-art climate control to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity inside even as mercury plummets. As far as snow and rain are concerned? They might as well not exist.   


This means that the players, clubs, and sports organizations who book your facility in the warmer months can continue to practice and play into October, November, December...all the way around to next spring, when the dome’s ready to come down until next fall. No gaps.  


Think about it – leagues can run longer, training sessions can be more frequent, and events don't have to be crammed into the summer months. To give just a few examples:


* Soccer Training Camps: 

  • Before: These programs usually ran from April to August, squeezing in all the sessions and matches before the onset of the cooler months. As September approached, players and coaches had to hang up their cleats until spring.   
  • After: With a dome, the training camps now stretch seamlessly into December. Young players get a head-start before their competitors in the spring, and you get more revenue.  


* Tennis Tournaments: 

  • Before: Outdoor tennis courts had to pack all their tournaments between May and September. Rain delays during this period further compressed the schedule, inconveniencing players and fans alike.  
  • After: Tennis tournaments are spread out across the year, with even the possibility of hosting a special Winter Slam. Players will seek you out from other area clubs that don’t have domes   


* Golf Driving Range: 

  • Before: Golfers frequent the driving range from March to October, but as soon as the first frost hits, you see a sharp decline in attendance.  
  • After: Golf aficionados pay you to practice their swing year-round. The dome's controlled environment can even simulate different playing conditions, offering golfers a diverse practice experience. Winter golf clinics become a unique selling point, attracting enthusiasts keen on improving before the official season starts.

All these result in higher player satisfaction, as they get more time to hone their skills and engage in the sports they love.   


And for you? A significant uptick in revenue, even when the trees are shedding their leaves.  

Don’t let the cold keep you down. Extend your sports season and revenue with The Farley Group’s domes.  



2. Book More than Just Sports-Related Customers


Have you ever found yourself looking at your facility and thinking, "I wish I could do more with this space"? With an air-supported dome, you can!  


Every business owner knows the unease of relying solely on one kind of activity or event, especially when unforeseen circumstances can throw a wrench in the plans. The unpredictable nature of weather or seasons can easily affect bookings, causing revenue to fluctuate.  


This is the beauty of a dome. Domes aren’t just for sports – they’re incredibly versatile spaces you can easily adapt to accommodate a wide array of activities and events.   


Picture hosting fitness classes, from yoga to Zumba. Imagine setting up exhibitions, trade shows, or craft fairs. How about community events, workshops, or even theatrical performances? These are just a few ideas to tap into new customer segments and diversify your revenue.   


And the beauty of it? No rain checks. With a dome, you're not just playing the game – you're changing it! 


3. Completely Weather-Proof Your Facility


Think about the number of times you've had to cancel or reschedule games or events due to weather. The lost revenue, the disappointment of your clients…it’s beyond frustrating.  


For many sports facility owners and managers, the looming threat of bad weather is a constant source of stress. It’s not just about the money, but about maintaining customer satisfaction.  


And this isn’t just a fall and winter problem, either. Spring showers and summer storms are just as disruptive.  


The great thing about domes is that they don’t have to go up each fall and come down each spring. Permanent domes that stay up year-round are a fantastic option for those who are looking to create true revenue stability.   


In a world full of uncertainty (especially when it comes to weather), your dome brings a level of predictability and consistency that both you and your clients will love. Weatherproof your facility with The Farley Group. Learn more about our year-round dome solutions.


Stay Ahead of the Competition through Fall and Beyond


A Farley dome can be your secret weapon to unlock the full revenue potential of the fall and winter seasons. Domes provide a dependable, weather-proof, and customizable environment that transforms outdoor spaces into year-round venues.  


Interested in taking the leap or just want more details? Reach out to The Farley Group for more information about our sports domes. Our team is eager to assist and guide you toward a future where your facility stands out, rain or shine!

The Farley Group Blog at 9:51 AM
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