The Farley Group

Rain at an Outdoor Concert? No Problem

How to Fix the Single Biggest Problem with Outdoor Concerts


Open spaces, crowds of people, loud music… there’s nothing else like it. The outdoor concert experience is truly unique and, while it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, outdoor music events are not going to stop anytime soon. Despite this, there is one thing that can completely devastate the outdoor musical experience: bad weather. Luckily, the Farley Group has a solution. Move that outdoor concert into an air dome!


Nowadays, all bands have to perform live. Thirty years ago a band could be successful without ever stepping onto a stage. Record and CD sales would be enough to sustain their craft. But music today is everywhere and unless an artist already has a following, bands need to practically give away their music away to build a fan base that can support them.


Once they get those fans though, it becomes all about getting those fans into a venue. Ticket and “merch” sales are now the lifeblood of the music industry.


So most bands want to have as big of an audience as possible when they play, and this usually means going to an outdoor venue. Outdoor venues have the benefits of lots of space for loads of people, while still being relatively cheap to book.


Indoor venues can be expensive and limit the size of the show. Of course, stadium sized concerts are also an option but only the biggest music acts can realistically count on filling stadiums.


Indoor venues do have one benefit over outdoors though: you don’t have to worry about the weather. Nothing ruins an outdoor concert like heavy rains, storms, or cold weather. Many bands refuse to play outside for these very reasons. If you had to stand in front of thousands of people watching and listening to every mistake you make, would you want to be soaking wet or playing a guitar with frozen hands?


Bands, especially smaller ones, want to be able to have the benefits of being inside, but also have tons of space for a big crowd. Can we combine the best of both? Is there a way to have an inexpensive, indoor venue, with enough room to fit a large number of people?


You bet there is! Air structures are a perfect venue for live music shows. Domes come in any size, but large ones can provide more than enough space for a concert. Concertgoers would even have room to stretch or spread out to avoid the crush of fans that try to get as close to the stage as possible.


Typically, air structures like the ones The Farley Group manufactures are used for things sports like soccer, tennis, football, or golf, but many of them are multipurpose structures that can host any event that needs a lot of space to run. This can include things like tradeshows, large team events, and even rock concerts.


Air structures can give bands, even smaller ones, the opportunity to play in huge venues, without needing to face the obstacles of playing outside. If you’re an up and coming band or concert promoter looking for a great indoor venue for your next show, don’t forget to check out multipurpose air dome facilities. Able to house stages, speakers, lights, and people, air domes rock!

The Farley Group Blog at 2:00 PM
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