The Farley Group

Farley Christmas: Holiday Fun in a Dome

Holiday Fun in an Air Dome: A Farley Christmas


Domes often house fun and excitement with sports and activities, but The Farley Group’s production dome is usually a place of hard work. The dome is great because it gives us the space we need to work, but it is a shame that such a fun and open space is hardly ever enjoyed to its full potential. That’s why every year, we push our projects to the side, and open up the dome for our families.


Nothing beats party time in a dome, especially a Christmas party! Just a couple weeks ago, The Farley Group held it’s annual children’s Christmas party in the most fun place we could think of: our own air dome.


With 58,000 square feet of space, we had more than enough room for all the tykes to run around and be merry. Where we would usually be stretching out fabric and welding seams, we instead had stretches of food and games to play. We even had space for an inflatable bounce house!


Despite the cold—although it has been unseasonably warm this year—the dome gave the kids a taste of outdoor-style play, while staying comfortable in a climate controlled dome. All the fun of wide open space, without the risk of snuffly noses or muddy boots and knees!


Sports Dome     Manufacturing Dome




Party Dome




With so much room in this bubble, the party even included some special guests. One of which was a silly, purple-haired clown. With some face-paint, she transformed some plain faces into superheroes, princesses, and anything else that creative imaginations could come up with.












Sports dome



And most surprising of all was the arrival of old Saint Nick himself! After gingerly landing his sleigh on top of the dome, a confused Santa was heard asking himself, "How am I supposed to get inside without a chimney?" Santa was clever though and, after sliding down the dome to the ground, managed to find the door.

"What an ingenious structure, this is" Santa was heard saying. "I might need to look into getting one of these air domes for my workshop. The elves would love it!"


In true Santa fashion, he didn’t come empty handed. Each child sat on Santa’s knee and exchanged their Christmas wishes for an early Christmas gift. What a guy!


Santa couldn’t stay long though, with all of the toys and gifts to finish building and wrapping. So he scrambled back up the dome to his sleigh and blasted back North to finish getting ready for his upcoming long night.


All in, it was a magical afternoon and the kids and parents had a great time. It just goes to show that even a dome, with a sole purpose of being a manufacturing space, has the potential to bring fun and joy to kids of all ages. There must be something magical about air supported structures! Merry Christmas and happy holidays from The Farley Group!








The Farley Group Blog at 12:55 PM
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