The Farley Group

3 Extreme Indoor Sports Ideas For Domes

Indoor Extreme Sports: Three Extreme Ideas for You Multi-Sports Dome


If you’re looking for some new sports and activities to offer in your dome, why not add a sport with a bit of an edge?


Extreme sports aren’t new, but the excitement for them is as strong as ever. A huge—typically younger—audience is looking for that rush, why not offer those activities in the safety and comfort of a dome? Here are a few sports and activities that work perfectly under an air-structure.




This one might take a bit more work to setup, but the skateboards are still just as popular as ever. While skating has moved closer to the mainstream, it can sometimes be tough for skateboarders to find a safe place that they’re allowed to practice. With a smooth surface, a few ramps and pipes and you’re in business!


Of course, if your dome space is covered in turf, this may not be the best idea. But if you have a smooth concrete floor, it’s likely just begging for skaters to make use of. Indoor skate parks are few and far between but there’s a huge demand, especially in the winter months.




We’ve mentioned paintballing in a dome before on this blog, but it’s popular enough to warrant another mention.


Paintballer’s are passionate about their sport, but the appeal of paintball goes far beyond those die-hard paintballers.


Paintballing is also a popular sport for group events, parties, or corporate team outings.


And there are plenty of reasons why domes are the perfect place for such a fast paced and exciting sport. Check out our blog that covers 5 reasons to play paintball in a dome.




Parkour! There was an episode of The Office in which Dwight, Michael, and Andy disrupted the entire office by climbing over desks and chairs, shouting “PARKOUR!”


The reality of the sport is a lot more exciting than seen on that tv show, though.


Parkour, or Free Running, is when a runner tries to get from point A to point B in the most efficient route possible. Point B is usually behind enough obstacles to make the feat both challenging and impressive to watch for spectators.


Like the skatepark idea, though, this would mean you’d need to build or find some obstacles. And any tall obstacles would likely need a crash mat to help break falls, should they happen.


These sports may not be in the Olympics, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t popular. If you know there are extreme sportspeople’s in your community, you might want to consider adding one of the above activities to your multi sport dome. It doesn’t need to be a mainstream sport to be successful in a dome!

The Farley Group Blog at 12:07 PM
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